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Measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infectious diseases
To our valued customers
- Thank you for your continued support of Hotel Ryujoen.
This facility is strengthening measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infectious diseases.
We make every effort to make our customers' lives safe and secure by giving top priority to comfort.
【Request to customers】
- ①Please wear a mask in a public space (except when bathing and eating.Please consider cough etiquette)
② Automatic temperature measurement by thermo camera(Admission restrictions for people above 37.5℃)
③ Request for alcohol disinfection when entering the building(Please disinfect your fingers)
④ Confirmation of health condition at check-in(Fill in the check sheet)
⑤ Change in physical condition(If you feel unwell, please refrain from entering)
⑥ Request for refraining from going out unnecessary(Change night lock time from 24:00 to 23:00)
【Initiatives at this facility】
- ① Thorough staff health management and temperature measurement when going to work
② Acrylic partition installed on the front counter
③ Wearing a mask(The staff will wear a mask)
④ Keep a distance(Securing social distance)
⑤3 Prevention of tightness(Closed,Crowded,Closely)
⑥ Ventilation in the facility(Ventilation is carried out regularly)
⑦ Installation of disinfection equipment (alcohol disinfectant is available in this facility
⑧ Cleaning inside the facility,Implementation of disinfection(Regular cleaning and disinfection)
⑨ Preparation of road map (infection prevention measures implementation map) in this facility
【Environmental arrangement】
- ① All air cleaner installations(With plasma cluster function)
② Air plot glass coating construction(platinum,Implemented titanium antibacterial action in all rooms)
③ Installation of disinfection sprayer in all rooms
④Automatic temperature measurement with a thermo camera at the hotel entrance(Admission restrictions for people above 37.5℃)

Road map of the facility【1F-One-day hot spring museum】
【Hotel staff efforts】
- (1) Thorough health management, temperature measurement at work, hand washing, and gargling
② Thorough wearing a mask
③ Hand wash,Thorough alcoholic disinfection of fingers
【Front desk staff efforts】
- ① Mask,Thorough wearing of gloves
② Strengthen alcohol disinfection of areas where people touch and fill in check sheet for implementation confirmation
③ Thoroughly disinfect the returned room key
【Efforts of cooking staff】
- ① Hand wash,Thorough alcoholic disinfection of fingers
② Each time you use,Thorough disinfection of equipment
(3) Thorough hygiene management for the arrangement staff
【Catering staff efforts】
- ① Hand wash,Thorough alcoholic disinfection of fingers
② Mask for serving customers,Thorough wearing of gloves
③ Thorough sterilization around the table when serving
【Guest room cleaning staff efforts】
- ① Hand washing when going to work,Thorough hand alcohol disinfection
② Thoroughly wear a mask
③ Thorough ventilation during cleaning
④ Equipment,Thorough cleaning and disinfection of equipment
⑤ Strengthening of cleaning and disinfection of the environmental surface touched by unspecified majority
【Initiatives at the banquet hall】
- ① Secure social distance
② Installation of hand alcohol disinfection at the entrance of the venue
③ Ventilation of the entrance and exit of the venue
④ Strengthen alcohol disinfection after the catering service
- We will continue to make every effort to maintain hygiene so that all of our guests can feel at ease.
I think that it may be a hassle for customers, but please understand something.